
Thursday, 12 February 2009

Ben Abbink †

Gisteren overleed in het ziekenhuis van Heerlen, op 88 jarige leeftijd, mijn schoonvader Ben Abbink. Yesterday my father-in-law died at the age of 88 in the hospital of Heerlen. May he rest in peace.


  1. Sorry to hear that, we offer our condolence during this time, keep him alive in your memories, God bless.

  2. Thank you for your reaction. We were touched by your "medeleven" (I can't remember the proper english word).

  3. Sincères condoléances.
    il sera avec toi tant que tu pensera a lui.
    bon courage.

  4. Greetings from Canada. My name is Johannes (Jan) Huntjens. My family emigrated to Canada in 1951 and my mother Dirkje Abbink faithfully stayed in touch with your dad over the years. A few years ago, we visited your father in Hoensbroek on two occasions. During one of her visits, my mother bought one of Ben's watercolours. She has since died but the watercolour now hangs in my home in Canada. I just googled Ben's name and found your blog as a result. Sorry to hear he has died a year ago and convey our regrets belatedly. Would be interested in renewing contact and finding out more about the Abbink connection in my family. you can reach me through my own blog our by emailing me at By the way, am enjoying seeing your excellent artistic endeavours.Take care JH

  5. See my comment on the post of jan 17th. 2010
