
Sunday, 4 July 2010


Visit to Lourdes, France. We went there after our work in Lannemzan, just in time for the procession.
I sketched a few nuns waiting for the procession to start. Also a sketch of the tourist shops near the grotto. Even though the light in the sketch is accurate, I did not like the picture once it was finished. Below you can find some notes on how the composition could have been improved.
Lourdes is niet zo ver van mijn werk in Lannemezan; op een avond erheen gereden. Schetsen van nonnen, wachtend op de lichtjesprocessie, en van de souvenirshops. Ik was niet tevreden met de laatste schets, dus ook wat notities voor het verbetern van de compositie.


  1. I enjoyed both of these scenes- and your notes for improvement as well.

  2. We should never stop try improving. THanks for your visit.
