
Friday, 3 September 2010


Orchha is a quiet little town, surrounded with ancient Indiana Jones like ruins. We visited a small village called Azadpura. The difference between lower class parts (see middle sketch) and higher classes (see entrance doors above) is obvious. Both parts of the village were separated by the main road, and even had seperate wells. Imagine higher class drinking low class water....
Orchha, een dorp midden tussen antieke tempels en paleisruines. We bezochten een dorpje in de buurt, waar het verschil tussen lage kaste (midden) en hoge kaste (bovenschets) pijnlijk duidelijk werd.
And below you see me sketching the woman and child of the middle sketch, as photographed by Cathy of our group. At a certain point it was impossible to continue drawing, the children surrounding us were showing me their drawings....
Onderaan een foto tijdens het maken van de middelste schets. Na een tijdje was het onmogelijk verder te schetsen, de kinderen van het dorp wilden me allemaal hun tekeningen laten zien....


  1. Great sketches- aren't kids the greatest? They have no reservations about showing their artwork and watching you draw.

  2. Yes indeed, half of our group were teachers of some kind, and they would play with the children and sing silly Dutch songs together. Some of the grown ups had reservations about us visiting the village (which I understand), but not the kids.

  3. This drawing has directly influenced my decision to visit India. It came as a flash "I need to go there."

    Art inspires!

  4. I am really glad I helped you making that decision. We will also go back some time, India is so fascinating!
