
Thursday, 14 July 2011


A rainy day on the Maasvlakte, the heart of the Rotterdam harbours, only a few km from the sea. A sketch of one of the 6 huge conveyorsystems (they must be 30-40 meter high), that distribute ore and coal over a storage area of 1,5x1 km. The largest bulk storage area of Europe.
Maasvlakte in de regen. Er is weinig triester als dit. Schets van de transportsystemen van het ertsoverslag complex, de grootste van Europa.


  1. incredible that you can make still such sketches in the pouring rain !!
    You are not only urban sketcher but you are also documentary sketcher :)

  2. Pouring rain? That's why they invented cars.

  3. This reminds me of my home town, where coal mining was, 60 years ago, a big deal. Now anything metal and massive stands still. A sleepy town.

  4. Still pouring rain !! We need the sun!

  5. Thanks Ben, I am living in an former mining area as well, I still remember the chimneys and coaldust when I was young. You're from Harrisburg, the three mile island place? Never knew they had mining there.
    Yes Ludek, I agree, we desperately need sun.
