
Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Vianden, Luxemburg

Gertie and I had a nice long weekend in Vianden, Luxemburg. The weather was perfect for autumn, sunny and crispy fresh air. We made long walks, visited the castle, and toured through the surroundings. And had good food, like the cheese fondue I sketched below. The drawing of the castle was made while enjoying a nice hot cup of coffee in the local café du pont.
Lang weekeinde in Vianden, Luxemburg. Prachtig herfstweer, zonnig en lekker fris; perfect geschikt voor mooie wandelingen door de bosrijke omgeving. En niet te vergeten, goed eten.


  1. Volgens mij is dit mooier dan de werkelijkheid. Veel mooier.

  2. Bedankt, we hadden een prachtig weekeinde. Helaas alweer over.

  3. Bedankt Rodney. Leuke les gehad?

  4. There's a country I've never visited. Looks like a wonderful time, and your meal sketch is super!

  5. The meal was super. Luxemburg is beautiful, but I guess not unlike where you're living.
