
Thursday, 9 February 2012

Betty, in memoriam

You may remember the sketch above, I posted it on January 5th. It was quite chilling to learn that Betty, the woman with the red hat (second to the right) unexpectedly died last December, about when I made the drawing (at the time I didn't know).
July, lead singer of the group, made this poem to commemorate her. It's written in our local dialect, which even regular Dutch won't understand.
The drawing was made for our local Carnaval newspaper, "d'r Uul", which came in today. The paper featured some of my drawings of Cowrunning and the carnaval parade of last year.


  1. Triest verhaal. Op uitdrukkelijke wens van Betty gaat de groep gewoon door met Carnaval.

  2. Indrukwekkend. Ook knap dat de collegae het kunnen opbrengen om door te gaan. Vind je schets nog steeds erg mooi!

  3. Bedankt Nico. Daar wordt je stil van.
