
Saturday, 25 February 2012

Parade Carnaval

Sketch made during the Carnaval parade of Hoensbroek. I don't even know the name of the group. I made the sketch on three different locations, each time they would pass before I had chance to look up. I made some splashes of colour on location to define which colours were where, but did the finishing at home.
Optocht in Hoensbroek, een van de verklede groepen. Schets gemaakt op drie verschillende plekken, de groep was meestal voorbij nadat ik de eerste lijnen op papier had gezet.


  1. Erg leuke actie-schetsen van het Carnaval Rene!

  2. It has been a treat following your series on the Hoensbroek Carnaval. As usual your sketches are wonderful (they are getting better and better, by the way) and the information accompanying these posts has been very readable and interesting.

  3. Thanks Balaji, I am happy to serve you with that treat. Bedankt Rodney, zelf geen carnaval gedaan?

  4. I like the complementary colors you used. Good sketch.

  5. Huh? You are right, I did, I hadn't even noticed that so far. Thanks for pointing that out!
