
Sunday, 4 November 2012

Chinese ink

Experimenting with Chinese ink: painting silhouettes of (live) models, and then adding drops of pure ink in the wet ink, and let it flow.
These are a few of the about 20 paintings that I made in under 2 hours, all quick ones.
Not as easy as it looks.


  1. Alweer namens de hele familie: prachtig!!

  2. Sterk werk Rene, zeer mooie resultaten!

  3. it is completely different from your other (line) work, another approach, different result.
    I like the graphic- feel of it, and I know it is not easy.

    I enjoy it.

  4. Mooi, René! En geloof me, ik weet (uit ervaring, haha) hoe moeilijk het is!

  5. Dank je wel Nico, leuk dat de familie meegeniet.
    Bedankt Rodney, was lastig of niet, je eigen werk was ook niet verkeerd!
    Thanks Ludek, maybe that's why I find it to be difficult, I am a draughtsman, not a pianter.
    Dank je Tineke, ja je hebt ook prachtige resultaten op je blog staan. Je kleurgebruik moet ik nog zien te vangen.
    Dank je Geert-Jan.
