
Monday, 19 November 2012


We were mugged last night in the Brussels-south raiulway station.
We just returned from a lovely weekend in London with our daughter Rianne (she presently studies for her Masters at the Imperial college, London).

It was the classic distraction tric - asking a simple question and someone walking behind your back picking up the bag. I immediately realised what had happened to me, but within a breath they were already gone.

We lost our camera and some euro's. But worst of all my travel sketching gear and my small Moleskine sketchbook. There is now only one London drawing left (which was packed in our suitcase).
These sketchbooks, fountain pens and brushes have no value to the muggers, but it took me years to assemble.  Infuriating.

There will not be so much sketching in the coming few weeks, I am afraid.


  1. Oh my!!! I am sincerely sorry to read this! I hope you'll draw back soon.
    it is often the things that have the lowest valued which are the most precious. and a notebook, it's intimate. it is a part of you.
    I hope It does not cause you an emotional blockage.
    see you soon.
    sorry again!

  2. I am so sorry. My sketchbook is the piece of my heart.
    But it will not stop you. You will buy new sketchbook and new tools and will keep going.
    Waiting for your art.

  3. I'm very sorry to hear this. I love checking your blog to see what gifts you've left us. I hope you recover quickly.

  4. Wat vreselijk! Je schetsboek en favoriete pennen kwijtraken lijkt mij een regelrechte nachtmerrie. Ik durf om die reden soms een dierbaar schetsboek dat bijna vol is niet meer met me mee te nemen in mijn tas. Onzin natuurlijk, want zo komt het nooit vol. De beste remedie is waarschijnlijk inderdaad een nieuw schetsboek kopen en opnieuw beginnen; juist wél veel nieuwe schetsen gaan maken! Sterkte!

  5. Thanks for all your support. Bedankt voor alle steun.
    I am still furious, also at myself for being so stupid to let this happen.

  6. That's real bad news. Sorry, Rene. It must be frustrating to loose a sketchbook and your equipment. On the positive side, at least you and your wife were not harmed and your sketchbook might show up yet. Surely even a despicable thief would show some respect for your wonderful artwork!

  7. Oh dear...what a dreadful thing to happen. So sorry to hear this, Rene, and hope it's not too much of a setback for you.
    I am a great admirer of your work and I check your blog frequently.
    Glad that your family is safe.

  8. Thanks Michael, I would like to think about them having respect for art, but I am afraid the book has probably ended up in some wet waste container.
    Thanks Ethna, luckily there was never any personal threat, no money or sketchbook is ever worth something like that.

  9. Van die mededeling ben ik stil. Ik vind het verschrikkelijk voor je. Een fikse kater na een leuk bezoek aan Londen. Misschien nog iets voor de reisverzekering? Veel sterkte!

  10. De reisverzekering vergoedt helaas geen tekeningen :( bedankt voor je medeleven Nico.

  11. Dit is verschrikkelijk! De hardware kan worden vervangen met de tijd. Maar het verlies van zijn sketchbook en zijn tekeningen, die zeer persoonlijke dingen en zijn gevuld met veel liefde en herinneringen ..... Ik begrijp uw droefheid!!
