
Friday, 6 September 2013

Downtown LA

Trying something a bit different. This is a building in downtown LA, on South Hill street, next to the Grand Central Market, opposite Angels flight. There is a large parking lot and this façade.
I tried for an Urban sketch without lines, and lively colour panes. The result may be a bit rough, but I enjoyed doing this painting. It needs more planning and time, but I promised myself to try this kind of stuff more often.


  1. Knap, René, zonder lijnen! En mooi resultaat ook. Zeker vaker doen, zou ik zeggen :-)

  2. Dank je Tineke, ga ik zeker doen

  3. I like this one very much, and, indeed the one above it of Sunset. Very much your great style.

  4. Thanks Rob. I like this one as well, difficult to find suitable subjects though.
