
Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Paint box

Isn't this cute?
I bought this ietsy-pietsy mini watercolour paintbox in Maastricht last saturday. It even has a brush!
For €2,50 only....
The brush is unusable, it's only good to clean an electrical razor. And the paint is horrible. You see immediately that the pigments are very crudely grinded; I will refill them with proper tube colours later.
But still: I can never use the excuse that I didn't bring my colours with me again...

Of course it's so tiny, I'll probably lose it in no time.


  1. Ha! Very cute, yes, but my son would give me a beating if I used it! Anyway, carry it with confidence! Throw those paints away, yes, and fill it with Winsor & Newton, or another good brand. :)

  2. Super! At that price you can buy a few and leave one in your car, or at the office. They might be great at Easter to include inside a chocolate egg for those with an artistic inclination.

  3. Rob, buy your son one, mayby he'll get addicted too....
    Michael, I love that idea with the chocolate egg! Actually when I saw it in the shop I thought at first that it was a paintbox to colour eggs for eastern. Something we do here.
