
Wednesday, 25 June 2014

On the Riverfront

Lunchtime today: sitting in the mild sun on the steps leading towards the river on the "Wyck" side.
This is the view to the other side of the river: on the left: the house on the "jewstreet", the gothic St. John, the Roman St. Servaas basilica and the waterfront houses.
It was a real pleasure doing this again.


  1. Looks like you had a great lunch hour. The sketch is a nice simple composition. Something to accompany a fairytale maybe!

  2. Ha René, zie ik het goed dat jouw stijl wat losser aan het worden is? Of had je weinig tijd in je lunchpauze? ;-) Mooi hoor!

  3. Thanks Michael. I hardly had the time to eat me sandwich.
    Dank je Tineke. Ik streef naar een lossere stijl, klopt, maar eigenlijk ook om naast de andere stijl toe te passen. Wat variatie in mijn eigen werk.
