
Sunday, 14 September 2014

USK Liège: in the papers and on TV!

I had a tough week. But what a week!
Like I said in the last post, I just returned from 4 days of sketching in Liège, on invitation by Gerard Michel and an organisation called "Emulation". We as a international group of European sketchers had a great time finding our way in Liège and drawing, drawing and drawing.
We each had to fill 5 meters of drawing, to be shown at the exhibition in the "Theatre de Liège", yesterday evening. A huge success.
The next picture shows the opening night.
Also interesting: we were interviewed by the Belgian Television, check the report in the link below.
You can see me draw, standing on a tiny balcony at least at 50 meter height, and interviews of Lapin, Michel, David and Luis.


  1. Super, René! Wat moet ik doen/kunnen om een volgende keer ook zo'n uitnodiging te krijgen? ;-)

  2. Ik denk geluk hebben. Ik ken Gerard Michel overigens al jaren, en wist vooraf nauwlijks waar ik aan mee ging doen. Een mooie verassing!

  3. Zo voel ik me ook! Als tekenaar is dit het meest bijzondere dat me ooit is overkomen.

  4. This is great. There's nothing better than a bit of positive news coverage to encourage artistic motivation. Your atelier in Liege sounds arduous, but I'm certain you'd want to do it again.

  5. It was not really very tough, it's just that we had to work hard and long to get all these drawings done. Imagine 5 meter: it's 25 drawings size 20x20cm. But I loved every minute of it.
