
Wednesday, 11 April 2018

The Hague

Two sketches that I made during the Urban Sketchig Netherlands day, this time in the Hague.
It's our Political Capital. Above you see our house of Parliament, the little tower houses the working chamber of our Prime minister, Mark Rutten.
The bottom drawing is the "Ridderzaal" the assembly hall, where the parliament assembles for
official meetings. We had terrific weather (Spring arrived at last) and a perfect organisation. About 70 sketchers had a fine day!


  1. Having worked at the Canadian Parliament for 34 years, I'm always interested in seeing pictures of other national assemblies. Your parliamentary buildings look unique - more like manors than those with capitol-like domes. Its hard to get a sense of scale, but the buildings must be fairly large to incorporate space for assembly halls, deputies and staff. Nice sketches.

  2. No, the assembly hall is not that large, more like a moderate church. But it's only in use for official meetings, like the opening of the political year with our King Willem. The real parliament is in a modern building next to it, also not very large. We are just a tiny country :)
