
Friday, 30 November 2018

Genneper Molen

It was time I made an Urban sketch again. There must have been a thousand reasons why I didn't. You need one reason to do it.
This is Eindhoven, just a short walk from our other office. I wanted to draw it for some time, also because Vincent van Gogh painted it a few times. But I guess he took more time than I had for lunchbreak.

Here is one of the van Gogh versions.


  1. Nice sketch and good story. The motivation and inspiration to make a drawing, sketch or painting is always the critical thing for me. Being retired, I have plenty of time but still need a lot nudge to create an image. I have a regular life drawing workshop that makes me sketch often, but outside of that I need a strong motivation. Strange isn’t it.
    Regarding your sketch, I think it’s wonderful to be able to interpret a well known painting from the exact place it was made. You get a special connection with the art and artist. And to be able to do this over lunch is a dream come true!

  2. That dream is more like a necessity; when I go to work and return it's dark. I can only make an Urban sketch during lunchbreak.
    But it was a feast to draw there, I already wanted to draw it for some time, but I had to wait until winter. In the summer it's hard to see the mill through the foliage.
