Thick packs of snow in our region, all in just one day, 20-25 cm. That was something we didn't see for a long time. I remember it from my youth, but it is probably getting rarer. Anyway, I had half an hour left this morning, and I rushed to make a snow scene on location. The Castle of Hoensbroek, as seen from my (warm and cosy) car on the parking lot. A4 toned paper, gouache paint, brushpen and black ink.
Superb !!
ReplyDeleteExcept for "but it is probably getting rarer."this nonsense
Please inform yourself outside the MSM cause what you're now promoting is sooo unimaginable distructive !!
ReplyDeleteYou may have noticed the word "Probably"? I am not certain what will happen in the future, but it must be comforting to know for certain that you know it's nonsense.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I know the mentioned site (and similar ones). I would suggest that you apply the same critical attitude on those media as on MSM. I did, and I came to some conclusions.
But thanks for your remark anyway, discussion is always appreciated :)
It sure somewhat comforting to know that the whole climate is bullshit but then again it's very worrying that so many people still go for it not willing to see how the landscapes and seasides are being completly demolished. To react with a little "word game" is childisch btw. and yes nobody know's what will happen in the future, ... if the sky falls down we might turn out bleu all together.In any case if thise nonsense is going on we are heading for a complete dystopia where George Orwell or Aldous Huxley would get nightmares from.
ReplyDeleteI can't bear that lying MSM anymore it's soo utterly full of lies, lies and even more lies, ...
I keep wondering how many people have to die before people see that for example the whole scheme of Covid is pure genocide. 10.000.000 wasn't enough, 17.000.000 isn't enough maybe 20.000.000 will be, but I'll doubt it, and the MSM ?! And the MSM? The MSM is still pushing those rubbish.
Discussion is appreciated but all I read now as comment is like turning on a telly.
Let's agree to disagree.
ReplyDeleteJouw wereldbeeld is anders dan het mijne.
De overlap van onze interesses ligt in het plein air tekenen en schilderen, ik stel voor om het daarbij te houden.
Hoe typisch !!
ReplyDeleteGeen argumenten, geen discussie alleen pure ontkenning, ... en mensen die je waarschuwen dat het toch wat anders in elkaar zit gewoon "cancelen" net zoals bij al die artsen, journalisten en onderzoekers en politici ed.
Ik haal je van mijn linken lijst René, want ik heb méér dan genoeg van al die lui die niet bereid zijn om even iets verder te kijken dan hun eigen deugneus lang is, ....
Er is GÉÉN overlap behalve onze voornaam, ... jou wereldbeeld is TOTÁÁL niet de mijne.
Het is een kortzichtige betweterige deugwereld waar jij in leeft, die al ettelijke keren uitgerold is in de geschiedenis met desastreuze gevolgen, ... een totalitaire die ALLES als is en gaat opsouperen.
Lees het werk van Hannah Arendt er maar eens op na, maar ik vermoed dat jij op voorhand al weet waar dat over gaat hé?
Succes met het verwerken van de totale desillusie waar je uiteindelijk in terecht gaat komen.
Jou wereld is er niet één van "Wir habben est nicht gewusst" maar er één van "Wir wollen est nicht wissen"
Ik ken haar werk niet, nee. Welk van haar publicaties bedoel je? origins of totalitarianism?