
Friday, 7 March 2025



Returned from London this afternoon. A quick sketch made in the Underground, central line, between Liverpool street and Stratford. Wasn't easy, the train was very crowded.

Sunday, 2 March 2025

On the border


A saw this scene along the former "international road", on the border between Germany and the Netherlands, just a few km from my house. The "international road" was a Dutch two lane road running over German terrain, about 5 km long, connecting 2 remote Dutch villages. Back in the day it was forbidden to stop, and impossible to get off, as all crossing roads (even cartroads) would go through tunnels or bridges. As it fell under Dutch jurisdiction (German plice had no authority), but Dutch police had nowhere to park their vehicles, you could drive there whatever speed you wanted. You would not receive a speed ticket. Of course, the road was also famous for it's mortal front collision accidents. Anyway, the terrain was returned to Germany after the Schengen Treaty, as border control was not necessary anymore.

Friday, 28 February 2025

New Jersey


Oilpainting, after a picture I took back in 2019, when our taxi brought us from Manhattan to the new Jersey airport. Cobra watersoluble oilpaint on wood, 50x60cm. Time for another one.

Monday, 24 February 2025


My granddaugther, Zara, was staying over for the weekend. She is5 years old, and a real joy to have around. Always laughing, always merry. She was very focussed watching "Frozen" or something similar on het tablet. A chance to try and draw her. Just a piece of paper and a bic which was lying around.

Sunday, 23 February 2025

Retired now (2)


As a suprise my department organized a Masterclass Urban sketching. My direct collegues assembled for a visit to a local church in Ulestraten (it was too cold to draw outside), where they asked me to give an unexpected Master Class. THe resulats of my about 15 collegeus was far better than I expected. I manage to squeeze maybe 3 minutes in between to make this quick sketch of the altar.

Friday, 21 February 2025

I am now retired


As of today I am officially retired as an architect. Even though I will still work a few days to finish an important job, the end of my professional life is at hand. 

I had a unforgettable retirement drink last wednesday, and my collegues gave me a few nice surprises. They assembled some 60 artist impressions that I made over the years, and sketches I made on my own building sites. Then changed them into postcards, and had my present and former collegues write a farewell notes on the back. Absolutely stunning. Some lasting memory!!

Sunday, 16 February 2025

Portrait in acrylic and charcoal


Life portrait session on saturday morning. Drawing with charcoal, and then watery acrylic over it. The charoal dissolves in the acrylic paint, which gives it a nice tonal quality.

Sunday, 9 February 2025

Someone in Roermond


We visited Roermond, sat on a terrace, I saw a man staring toeards the horizon, made a quick picture and drew him at home. Pentel unktbrushes, both watertight and washed out.

Friday, 7 February 2025

Hillensberg (Dtsl)


It was very cold today, with a strong chilling wind, but I needed to get out and make a drawing somewhere. Sometimes I cross the border to do some shopping (som articles are cheaper, better or local specialties) and fill my tank with cheaper gasoline. By doing so, I usually cross a small village on a steep hill called Hillensberg (Germany). It had a small 13 or 14th century church I had never noticed before. A nice opportunity to make this sketch.

Saturday, 1 February 2025



A locomobile, as on display in teh railway museum, that we visited a week ago. It was a quick one, I had only half an hour left before we had the final closing meeting.

Sunday, 26 January 2025



Urban Sketchers Netherlands (of which I am boardmember) organized an event in Utrecht, at the Spoorwegmuseum (railway museum). There were numerous trains to paint and draw. And we had 350 sketchers joining us, a great event. I made three drawings. One of them was a total failure, which I destroyed immediately. The other two were fine. This is the front part of a huge Scottish steam train, exhibited because it played a role in the liberation of the Netherlands, 80 years ago. black ink on toned paper, with white gouache.

Friday, 24 January 2025

Portrait watercolour pencil


Water colour pencil. After a picture on the internet. She was looking down, I didn't catch that enough.

Thursday, 23 January 2025

Friday, 17 January 2025

Longing for Greece


The weather is horrible lately. Frost, mist, rain, cold. I am longing for better weather. I made this drawing based on a picture I took during our summer 2017 holiday, in Georgiopolis, Crete. I wish I was there instead of here.

Saturday, 11 January 2025

New Jersey


Started on an oilpainting. Based on a sketch, that was based on a picture I took from the taxi when we were returning to the airport coming from NYC. Still needs a lot of work. I noticed I was totally out of habit painting with oils.....

Tuesday, 7 January 2025

Klaus Kinski

Portrait of Klaus Kinski, an actor. At least, I tried to draw him.

Tuesday, 31 December 2024

New Jersey


Based on a picture I took from a cab driving us from Manhattan to the New Jersey airport in 2019. A study in tonal quality. Ink ad watercolour.

Saturday, 28 December 2024

Coupe de Ville


For my birthday I recieved a handmade fully glass inkpen. I finally got around trying it out. I made this drawing with it. It is a totally different feeling to draw with it, a bit funny; it took some time to get used to the way the ink flows. And I don't think I used the correct type of ink (Acrylic ink).

The subject was an image in a dream I had some months ago, at september 11th. About a burning billboard with an abandoned Coupe de Ville, somewhere in a desolate landscape. No idea what it means.

Tuesday, 24 December 2024



Portrait, based on a picture of de upcoming Nosferatu movie. Willem Dafoe. Ink and watercolour.

Monday, 23 December 2024



Just a quick scribble sketch, nothing serious or realistic. Based on a picture of the Staten Island ship graveyard.