Last week I was in Kiev, Ukraine, for business.
I made the following sketch of the St. Sophia cathedral. We walked by at night, but it's easy to imagine it at daylight.
(updated April 11 thanks to Natalia Lyalina: I found out this is not St. Sophia, but the Michaylovsky Zlatoverchy Cathedral. See the old postcard picture. The St. sophia is on the other side of the square)

In the morning I went for a quick walk before the meetings, and I found this old Gaz car at the sidewalk.
It's a 1948-1954 Gaz M20 "Pobeda". This means "victory", as it was produced after WW2.
An Ukrainian collegue told me it was a product from a confiscated german factory, an Opel Kapitan in fact.

On tuesday night we went to a nice restaurant: the Pervak.
During dinner I was in full viuew to a flatrscreen which showed real socialist movies, like "Vysota" (Height), a black and white film with strong workers in steamy steelfactories and blast furnaces.
They also played "modern times" by Chaplin.
But by that time food&booze&company asked for attention.