A busy week, and it started with a visit to Pinkpop on monday 28th. Pinkpop is an open air Rockfestival, and I went there with my son Mart and a few of his friends. We saw 30 Seconds to Mars (great music) and very heavy metal by Stone Sour. There was a lot of "moshing (?)" and the singer (ex. Slipknot) was begging for it: "Hey all you motherfokkers, I wanna see a fokking eye of god overthere, so all you motherfokkers get the fok in there...." Nice wright? After that the Scissor Sisters (disappointing) and the britpop of the Arctic Monkeys (fantastic music but no contact with the audience). And then Linkin Park: that is really fantastic show&music. We did Evanescence to finish the day (was OK; see the picture I made) and skipped the Smashing Pumpkins. At a certain point you have had enough. Despite the long hours of rain it was a fantastic day.
Op Pinkpop 2007 gezien: 30 seconds to mars (fantastisch), Stone Sour (trommelvliesterreur), Scissor Sisters (niet leuk), Arctic monkeys (goede muziek, maar geen contact met publiek), Linkin Park (ge-wel-dig), Evanescence (OK), smashing pumpkins (halverwege afgenokt). Ondanks the constante regen een geweldige dag.