The last of the London sketches, on Cowley street, the backside of some houses just behind Westminster Abbey. De achterkant van enkele huizen achter Westminster Abbey.
After a long day of shopping and museums, we came across a small park off Oxford street, I believe Soho square. While resting on the grass, I made these sketches of this small building, total alien to London. Een klein gebouwtje in het midden van Soho Park (denk ik). Verwacht je niet in hartje Londen.
On sunday we went to Hyde park, speakers corner. Mart loved the hot discussions, and even took part. There was this lady (above) with very english-first opinions. It's good that there a place for this kind of free speech, but I did feel that some opinions don't deserve an audience.
Hyde park, speakers corner. Daar mag iedereen zijn mening verkondigen, en in discussie gaan. Mart vond het geweldig.
Telephone booths at Russel square, next to our Hotel. The floor was littered with explicit advertisement cards. I made the drawing early morning while Mart was still asleep. Telefooncel op de hoek van Russel square, London. Below a live street interview on the swine flu, at Whitehall, in front of the department of health. Remember we saw the same scene in New York? Live reportage over de Mexicaanse griep in Whitehall. Zagen we ook in New York.
A week ago I visited London, together with my 17 year old son, Mart. We had a terrific time, not in the least due to the beautiful weather. Luckily I had some time to sketch. Here one of the icons of London, the Tower bridge. And a view towards St. Pauls across the Thames from the Tate Museum of Modern art. Samen met Mart een paar dagen naar London geweest. Een geweldige reis gehad. Tower bridge en St. Pauls vanaf Modern Tate.
Last sunday a balloon passed over our house, just missing our roof. It landed on the field a few houses down the road. Only next to a house you realise how big these things are. Afgelopen zondag landde een luchtballon op het veld langs de Akerstraat. Pas naast een huis zie je hoe groot die dingen zijn.
The attic of our house (from 1939) needed insulation. It took Mart (my son) and I one and half a week to do. The surface is about 90m2, and the attic is 5,5m high. De zolder van ons huis (uit 1939) moest worden geïsoleerd. Wat een klus, we (Mart en ik) hadden er anderhalve week voor nodig.