First of all: best wishes for the new year. May all dreams come thru, and may you live in the best of health.
Now, I had planned to do a lot of sketching and painting this holiday, but I just needed some switching off time. Fixing things in our house, running, binge watching Netflix series, reading Dan Brown, visiting Weihnachtsmarkten, family to attend. A full schedule as you can see.
Instead of sketches I show here a few surprise gifts that I made for my family. For Sinterklaas (Saint Nicholas). Dutch children get presents, adults get surprise gifts. Somehow in our family the tradition grew that I make all of them.
Above the fused glass object I made for our daughter in law, Lisa. She is (still) a dedicated Pokemon addict, looking for "Shiny Pokemons".

My son, Mart recieved a leather bound book "the Big Book of Noses" in which I collected 60 drawings of different noses (not shown here).
For my son in law, Bob, I made this little "urban object", referring to the difficult concrete floor we had to make last summer.
And it contains a real little cast concrete floorpart.
For my daughter I made a real "Proefschrift" (in Dutch a Doctoral Thesis is called "proefschrift". The word proef means both "test" and "taste") So I made a "Tasting book".
With all kind of spices and special tasting stuff.