Experimenting with fierce colours, Kees Verwey style.
Thursday, 29 April 2010
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
A Brazilian magazine "Red Dot" publicized a few of my drawings! They contacted me a few weeks ago for an article about the Urban sketchers; the article featured 9 other artists as well. But who would have guessed that a sketch I made three years ago on the great wall of China would be printed in Brazil! The world gets smaller all the time.
Enkele van mijn tekeningen zijn gepubliceerd in een Braziliaans tijdschrift "red dot". Dat is pas vet gaaf! Onderdeel van een artikel over de "urban sketchers". Wie heeft ooit gedacht dat een schets van de grote muur in China ooit in een tijdschrift zou staan, laat staan in Brazilie.
Friday, 23 April 2010
Bourscheid, Luxemburg
The castle/ruin of Bourscheid in Luxemburg. I made these drawings for a friend who organizes MG oldtimer tours. I made two versions: a fountainpen and a colour version, the B/W was first. Take your pick. Kasteel Bourscheid. Getekend voor John, voor de rallyplaat bij een MG treffen in Luxemburg.
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa, tekening voor de Moleskine uitwisseling. Thema was: vrouwen in het bos. Het boek gaat zaterdag op weg naar Moskou.
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
St. Bertrand
I couldn't decide if I should post this sketch, drawn on location in France. I am not content with the view through the gate. But here it is anyway.
Saturday, 17 April 2010
Art class: Kees Verwey
The results of the life model artclass of the last two weeks. We tried the style of a renowned dutch painter, Kees Verwey. It not very "Verwey", but I am pleased with the progress I made so far. I am getting to know the behaviour of acryl paint, although I still have trouble finding the colours I want. Kunstklasje, de resultaten van de afgelopen twee weken. Ik begin acryl een beetje aan te voelen, maar heb nog altijd moeite met het vinden van de juiste kleuren en toetsen.
Friday, 16 April 2010
Toulouse, Restaurant "Gaite!"
I discovered a nice restaurant in Toulouse, La Gaite! Sometimes, when dining alone I draw the people in the restaurant. The guy with the hat was the waiter. Restaurant in Toulouse, La Gaite! Schetsen van het restaurant; de knul met de hoed was de ober.
Thursday, 15 April 2010
St. Bertrand
This is how St. Bertrand looks like from the fields, looking towards the Pyrenees mountains. Drawn on location. Zo ziet St. Bertrand er uit vanaf de velden, kijkend richting de bergen.
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
St. Bertrand de Comminges
France, last week. On Thursday evening, while driving from Lannemezan to the airport of Toulouse, I decided to stay away from the motorway and take the narrow roads along the pyrenees mountains. Fantastic views. I came across this small scenic town, St Bertrand de Comminges, located on top of a steep hill. I made a few sketches untill the twilight set in, and then continued to Toulouse.
Frankrijk, afgelopen donderdag. Ik besloot niet de autoweg te nemen, maar de kleine wegen langs de Pyreneeen. Dit is St. Bertand de Comminges, een schilderachtig bergdrpje. Ik maakte wat schetsjes totdat de schemer inviel.
Sunday, 11 April 2010
Exhibition Landgraaf
Last friday the exhibition featuring the paintings of our art class was opened by the mayor, in the city hall of Landgraaf. Not only from our group, but also pieces from other classes, including a group of artists from "op de Bies" (an institution for mentally handicapped). We were all proud to show what we produced, but let it be said all this was impossible without the stimulating teachings of Annemiek Jongen. Afgelopen vrijdag werd de tentoonstelling in Landgraaf geopend. Niet alleen van onze portretten maar ook werkstukken van andere artiesten, waaronder schilderijen van "op de bies" (voor verstandelijk gehandicapten). Met dank aan onze cursusleider, Annemiek, die ons zover heeft gebracht.
Monday, 5 April 2010
Haydock, UK
Last week I had a trip to England again. It was depressing weather: wind, cold, rain. We had a different hotel, in Haydock, halfway Liverpool and Manchester. Not a lively town. I had to shelter under the bridge to make this sketch. Haydock, Engeland, afgelopen week. Het weer was net zo depressief als de schetsen er uitzien.
Sunday, 4 April 2010
Colours 3
And here are the results of the other artist of my class.
The results of: Els, Maria, Silvana, Gerrie, Rodney, Agnes, Tina, Mieke, Francien, Mariet.
Thursday, 1 April 2010
Three Charites
The three graces, aka Charites, a triptych I made during the model&portrait artclass, for the exhibition with the theme coloours. Each panel measures 50x70cm. I am quite pleased with the result, considering it's the 5th, 6th and 7th acryl paintng I ever made. Still a long way to go. Drie Gratien, geschilderd voor de tentoonstelling in Landgraaf.
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